Friday, June 28, 2019

About love, pets and friendship

Man's best friend

People say that dogs are man's best friend... In my case, however, my first memory goes back to a small green parrot, Enicognathus ferrugineus, that is usually found in the south of Chile. This Austral parakeet lived free in my house, walked around all the rooms, fed on my mum's hands and had a sharp voice that was heard from distant places. The longer wings had been cut so that it couldn't fly away. By then, I was in primary school and I remember as it were yesterday when my little friend combed my hair, eyelashes and eyebrows to wake me up on weekends.

It also used to walk on my shoulders and observed enthusiastically how I did my homework. One day, at lunch, it was on my mum's shoulders observing with distant interest the conversation of my family and friends, so I decided to bother it by touching its long tail; it moved towards me, protesting for such an uncomfortable situation; I did it again and again a little time later ... it moved restlessly, was really upset and protested by using its powerful voice... I was told not to bother again, so I focussed my attention on my dish. My little friend looked at me peacefully, showing sympathy... then it quietly walked from my mum's shoulders to mine in a clear demonstration of affection..., all of a sudden, it gave a bite on my face and ran little friend gave emphasis to the lesson "do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself".

Time passed and when my kids were adolescents, I looked for a parrot to satisfy the need for a pet. Another small green parrot of the same kind became part of our family, a friend of all. I felt it had a special connection with me; it reminded me my first friend, the same kind, color, mood. I used to whistle when I walked back home, and this little friend heard me and used its sharp voice to announce my presence. In sunny days, my family enjoyed watching it having a bath under the sun....

Many years passed till one afternoon, when I had just come back from work, I was told that our little friend was feeling ill. I gently put it on one hand, it opened the eyes, moved its head and passed away.... My little friend, Polo, had waited to say goodbye.

The love you feel for your pets is greatly corresponded by them, and sometimes they are better friends than you are. These videos are a great demonstration of love for the other.

Remember to take care of your pets!

Now is your turn:

Tell me about you favourite pet(s)
What its(their) name is(are)
Since when you have it(them)
Why you love your pet(s)

Upload a photograph if possible
Minimun length: 160 words


  1. i got emotional with this story, thank you very much.

    1. Hi Gonzalo,
      Nice to know you like the story... Pets are wonderful...
      See you,

  2. what a beautiful story! I love parrots

    1. Hi Danae,
      Parrot-lovers, a new group... Nice to know you love parrots...
      See you,

  3. Pets are a very good company. There are always there to make your day happy

    1. Hi Ariel,
      And they are usually faithful...
      See you,

  4. It's a really beautiful story. Animals always touch our hearts

    1. Hi Nicole,
      I agree with you; they are quite sensitive...
      See you,

  5. That is great, the parrots are so intelligent, sometimes they are like humans

    1. Hi Melissa,
      They usually understand what goes wrong with you...and give you warmth.
      See you,

  6. I think that it's very important to have a pet when we are children, because we learn very important lessons

    1. Hi Mónica,
      They are also helpful to treat some health problems... hippotherapy, for example, is used to treat physical or mental issues...
      See you,

  7. Cute parrots that you have had ;))))

    1. Hi Belén,
      I've been lucky... I keep wonderful memories of them...
      See you,

  8. I feel too sad when I read the ending. I think it's too overwhelming when a pet you love dies. Thanks for this story, it has made me reflect too much.

    1. Hi Daniel,
      Pets are by you and they deserve your love and care...
      See you,

  9. beautiful story, I understand the pain of losing your best friend

    1. Hi Leandro,
      They are such a wonderful and loving company... how could you not miss them and feel the pain of losing them?
      See you,

  10. Beautiful story, it is true that pets are wonderful.

    1. Hi Albert,
      When you have pets, you cannot but love them...
      See you,

  11. Your story is so cute, the love for the animals is one of the most beautiful love.

  12. I would like to have a parrot some day.

    1. Hi Franco,
      I wonder if today is possible to have a parrot as a pet... Yet, I would recommend it.
      See you,

  13. woooowwww. I was touched by the story

    1. Hi Divo,
      Life gives you good and not so good opportunities... Having a pet is a good one.
      See you,

  14. That moment when Polo passed away in your hands it must have been very powerful, and know that feeling.

    1. Hi Tomás,
      It was a moment of meditation, nostalgia, sadness and happiness too...
      See you,

  15. i've always wanted a bird but my parents have never let me have one

    1. Hi Eduardo,
      The time will come when you will not have to ask them what to do in that respect...
      See you,

  16. Hi Javiera,
    I agree with you;if you have a pet, it certainly becomes a part of your family as well...
    See you,
