Thursday, May 30, 2019

Your favourite piece of technology

"The future depemds on what you do today"  Mahatma Gandhi
As a time traveler, I have witnessed significant changes in the quality of man's life and his surroundings.

Radio-Pick Up, 1950's
During my childhood, the radio set was a magnificent piece of furniture that occupied an important place in the lounge; music, news, and even radio dramas from novels and films, recreated and transported me into a magical scenery... the sound of words and melodies created in my mind a world of my own, just as reading does. I marveled at the existence of this last century device that had not only a radio receptor, but also a turntable (earlier called pick up) used to play and listen to your own vinyl records...!

Radio programs, books, magazines and films were the main source of information and entertainment that led me to dream of gadgets for instant transportation into futuristic places together with plenty of "impossible" ideas, such as a device to watch films at home...!  Before graduating at the university, some "impossible" devices were already available and, from then on, the impossible-to-possible inventions became a trend in various areas.

Sony Walkman Family
I am lucky to live a time when technology has made great leaps into the future...or present... Many devices are now common at everyone´s home; television sets, computers, microwave ovens, smartphones, satellite TV programs, washing machines, robots, drones, and many other useful smart devices have changed our life so much and are so common, that people don't get surprised by their appearance, but surely miss them when they disappear... at least for a short time.  I still have good memories of the Walkman cassette player, diskettes, Atari computer, VHS tapes, and numerous inventions that have made our life richer, but have disappeared after a short time to leave space to new breakthroughs... 

Ingenuity and wisdom
I wonder how Jules Verne and Leonardo da Vinci would feel in our technological society today;  they would probably be excited at the possibility of travelling into outer space or under the sea; they would be developing stories and/or helping engineers to create new machines or systems for a better world; they would surely be enjoying all the advances reached and having problems to tell what their favourite pieces of technology are.  

Anyway, I actually do have a problem in mentioning just one piece of technology; smart TVs and computers are perhaps the pieces of technology that I daily use and enjoy. Smart TVs permit to watch series, films, news from all over the world, learn from different cultures, have fun ... at your own pace. And computers? They have become an essential tool at home and at work to play, learn and teach; they have allowed me to create a website for all those interested in Scientific English and blogs such as this as a teaching-learning tool;  they are essential to find information, send/receive emails, prepare material for work and an endless number of activities. 

While Jules Verne would certainly be happy with such a useful instrument for writing his works, Leonardo da Vinci would be exploring its use in ways I cannot imagine, but most probably saying "if I had a computer in my time, life would certainly be different today..." And I cannot but agree with this alleged thought. 

Now its your turn:

What your favourite piece of technology is.
When you got it
How you use it.
How often you use it.
Why you like it.
What life would be like without it.

Minimum length : 140 words.
Remember to make comments on 3 of your classmates' posts and 1 comment on the teacher's post.


  1. It must have been great listen radio dramas, all instrument to make effects and seem realist

    1. Hi Guillermo,
      It was fun... I can't complain...
      See you,

  2. so interesting post, nowadays is very difficult choose among so many technological objects!!

    1. Hi Vanessa,
      Your favourite items fade so quickly... it's a pity...
      See you,

  3. Certainly, it must be wonderful to travel through time to know what they think about our technology.

    1. Hi Tomás,
      Some people think that sooner or later we´ll be able to travel to the past and to the future...
      See you,

  4. Also I have though this, the inventions are very important for the humanity.

    1. Hi Belén,
      And we've had so many revolutionary inventions in such a short period of time...
      See you,

  5. i would have liked live in that time, you are very lucky for lived that.

    1. Hi Danae,
      And lucky you since you'll have the opportunity to live other breakthroughs...
      See you,

  6. i like smart tv too, i can watch series that last long ...

    1. Hi Melissa,
      And there are so many interesting TV series... we are lucky...
      See you,

  7. when i´ll be older, i hope i could have the same mental/emotional experiences about the changes, breakthroughs and technology evolution as you had!

    1. Hi Gonzalo,
      You'll surely have the opportunity to live many other significant changes in mankind's life.
      See you,

  8. I can't imagine my life without TVs or computers, definitely they are significant devices of technology.

    1. Hi Javiera,
      And computers with internet access was almost a dream 25 years ago...
      See you,

  9. Oh, what memories have you brought me! in my childhood i had so many VHS tapes with Disney movies.

    1. Hi Nicole,
      I cannot forget those days watching a VHS cartridge at home with my family...
      See you,

  10. I love your post,i had not had to do with technological objects compared to those that existed only few years ago

    1. Hi Divo,
      Keep good memories of the gadgets that you love right now, because in the future...
      See you,

  11. it is impressive how technology can change our life along the time and is amazing see how different are that things now.

    1. Hi Eduardo,
      I quite agree with you. Watch your surroundings now, it will change in the near future...
      See you,

  12. I like the post! I was always interested know about the old pieces of technology and with they mark an epoch.

    1. Hi Albert,
      Nice to know you liked it... Changes and more changes... Keep good memories of them...
      See you,

  13. When i read your post, i automatically thought about the great difference in the actual Chile versus the Chile ten years ago... a great change i think. We must keep going on

    1. Hi Luis,
      And life goes on... what will your life like...? Wait, see and learn...
      See you,

  14. it's amazing how important technology became for our daily lives

    1. Hi Franco,
      We are living times of technological revolution that seems to go on that way for a long time...
      See you,

  15. i think the best piece of technology actually is a computer, because it has a lot of functions

    1. Hi Leandro,
      So much so, that many people would feel fustrated without a computer at hand....
      See you,

  16. I think that nothing disappears. I believe that everything evolves.

    1. Hi Ariel,
      Maybe, that's a way of seeing life and progress...
      See you,

  17. I would like to have all the biggest inventors of the hystory in our presents and see his wonderful expressions!

    1. Hi Mónica,
      Me too.... Some of them would be astonished, perplexed and quiet, while others would be actively participating in the creation of new devices...
      See you,
